This is the Pastors Desk Page of, this page includes weekly writings from L. J. Thomas, Pastor
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Jesus calls us as Christians to be disciples. The dictionary: references disciples as students of Jesus, and is found in the New Testament only in the Gospels and Acts. The Bible records many who were followers of Christ, but not many disciples. By all accounts it appears that a disciple today would be one committed to serving Jesus with an aim of making other disciples.
As found in Matthew 28:18-20 (Great Commission), the operative is to "go". I believe that today's disciple of Christ is to go and tell others the "good news" (gospel), tell it and demonstrate a redeemed lifestyle. To this end one must study the Word,(meditate), be constant in prayer, and be a hearer and doer.
Statisticly it is not church leaders that bring people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, but it's the one who understands and regularly "share" the gospel.
You don't have to be the most erudite or charismatic person, just be one committed to telling the story(including your personal testimony) and loving others deeply (Peter 4:8) Are you that one?